Monday 16 March 2015

The Most Important Place In The World

The last time Bill Wells and Aidan Moffat recorded an album (Everything's Getting Older, released in 2011) it won the Scottish Album of the Year Award. They have just released a second - The Most Important Place In The World on Chemikal Underground and I fully expect it to be on the shortlist for next years award.


Well, in short, the album allows two of Scotland's most treasured and talented musical artists to combine to create something genuinely special and unique.

Moffat is fine poetic fettle; flowing with anger on The Unseen Man, full of romance/realisation with Far From You, oozing sleaze and lust on Vanilla and This Dark Desire and in classic form on Any Other Mirror. Always full of sharp, honest and often funny observations.

For me, Moffat is at his best when he goes off on one; flowing with ease to vent his anger, frustration, desires, issues, heartbreak and ache... his lyrics, pace and flow are sublime especially on songs like The Eleven Year Glitch with a sample below.

the problem is that no-one changed, we didn't evolve, we just grew in all the wrong directions
we met too late, we tried too soon, we died so they could live

but don't peek behind the curtain, never scrutinise a mind, 
because you never know the heartbreak and the horror you might find, 
don't think you'll get a answer, don't expect to understand, 
the fragile correspondence between heart and head and hand

you'll never want me back, oh just say you'll never want me back
walk away, but don't you dare come back
just make sure before you pull the trigger

Dark (honest) humour is all over the closing We're Still Here, with Moffat talking about banks, bookies, pharmacies, charity shops, surgeries, letting agents, jewellers and even trainer shops! But Moffat says more about the state of Britain in 2015 in 4-minutes than most artists manage in a career - the fact that things are/can be pretty bleak but in the end we are still here.

Wells provides the perfect backing throughout, this is a real partnership; dreamy, seductive and 60's like on Vanilla, gentle beautiful on On The Motorway and The Tangle Of Us, matching Moffat's lyrics with the perfect mood on This Dark Desire and going bar style jazz and adding backing singers on Street Pastor Colloquy, 3AM.

I only bought the album today, picking up a super ltd edition print in the process from the lovely folk at Monorail and I have already fallen for it's charms. I suspect many more will follow.

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